Категория: Soft-только для ознакомления

Программное обеспечение Lumion представляет собой инструмент для визуализации в виртуальной трехмерной среде строительных объектов различной сложности. Lumion предлагает профессиональные графические средства и позволяет работать с моделями повышенной сложности, импортированными с любой CAD-платформы (Sketchup, AutoDesk, 3D Studio Max и т. д.). Решение Lumion подходит для создания видео, презентаций и демонстраций строительных проектов. Пакет Lumion ориентирован на архитекторов и дизайнеров.
Основные возможности:
Поддержка форматов импорта: трехмерные модели (DAE, FBX, MAX, 3DS, OBJ), изображения (TGA, DDS, PSD, JPG, BMP, HDR и PNG), анимации (AutoDesk 3DS Max via FBX).
Решение Lumion с помощью 3D-интерфейса позволяет имитировать состояния природы, погоду и моделировать окружающую среду с возможностью онлайн-редактирования.
Создание модели местности осуществляется с помощью 28 встроенных шаблонов, а также 6 типов настраиваемых водных поверхностей, включая океан.
Использование встроенных настраиваемых объектов «небесного пространства» (солнца, облаков, неба и т. д.).
Библиотека материалов.
Библиотека готовых сцен (окружающая обстановка и сопровождающие лица).
Расширенная библиотека готовых элементов растительного мира.
Возможность быстрого создания видеороликов в качестве HD.
New features
On top of the already great Lumion 2.0 functionality we added several enhancements. Memory usage is improved and the update allows for rendering scenes with many lights in them. Overall stability has been increased and we were even able to improve overall responsiveness of the program. Continue reading for the details on what is new since Lumion 2.0.
Takes Real-time rendering to another level.
Just one year after the initial release of Lumion, Act-3D lifts the quick and easy tool for architecture visualization to the next level. Numerous of drastic improvements have been made, from the addition of indoor lighting to new post processor effects and content!
New importers
The importing system has been extended with support for AutoDesk DWG and DXF file formats. Additionally, a special COLLADA plugin for AutoDesk Revit has been included. Last but not least, significant performance and memory optimizations make importing of even complex 3D content faster than ever before.
Indoor & Outdoor Lighting
Lumion 2 will take visualization indoors by providing quick and easy tools for interior lighting. The new lighting features allow users to create an amazing atmosphere for indoor visualizations. To achieve believable indoor lighting, the entire material and shading system is updated for enhanced realism. Not only does the new lighting improve indoor visualizations, it also raises the bar for outdoor visualizations because of the improvement in overall lighting.
Amazing Skies (Even at Night)
The new lighting also allows users the opportunity to create nighttime visualizations. To make this possible Lumion 2 will include a completely re-engineered sky rendering system.
The new sky system now includes 3 cloud layers, different cloud shapes and a spectacular spectrum of colors. At night the sky transforms into a magical spectacle of stars, complete with a realistic moon and special night sky colorization and cloud lighting.
Several new animation effects will make it much easier to animate objects. In Lumion 2 you can now create curved paths instead of being restricted to strictly linear paths as in the first version of Lumion. This is great for animating vehicles, people and even parts of your design. Lumion 2 also provides an easy to use editor for cross section animations and items can be dropped from the sky into place. Normally effects like these are difficult to set up. Lumion 2.0 makes complex tasks easier than ever.
New Content
To complement the indoor lighting there will be a content pack available for Lumion 2.0. The new pack contains more than 160 furniture models and around 90 other objects such as waving flags and new vehicles.The existing character pack will be extended with several high quality 3D people.
For the lighting, there will be a completely new library of light types and even lampposts which can easily be placed in any scene.Future service packs will extend existing libraries. New materials will expand all the other object libraries.
Engine and editor optimizations
Lumion 2 knows tons of big and small engine and editor improvements, increasing performance and useability. Improved tonemapping, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, lighting and shadows create even more realistic images and videos.
Lumion Basic vs Lumion Ultimate
Both Lumion Basic and Ultimate contain the new improved engine and performance optimizations, as well as all the new importing facilities. All the above-mentioned functionality and content is available in Lumion Ultimate. Lumion Basic provides the new functionality as separate plug-ins.
ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).
Размер: 2,63 ГБ